It is a policy of the Hawarden Regional Healthcare to promote the health, well-being and safety of the patients, visitors, and employees while on the Hospital campus.
Tobacco-Free Facilities
Patient’s Rights & Responsibilities
Hawarden Regional Healthcare is dedicated to providing you with the best possible health care. As part of this commitment to quality, we want to make sure you are treated with dignity and respect, and that you are given all the information you need to understand your condition and make decisions about your treatment.
Hawarden Regional Healthcare strives to provide quality healthcare with a professional respect to the privacy of our patients. Below is a link to our Notice of Privacy Practices and a link to information that describes our privacy policy in regard to our website.
Privacy Practices
Non-Discrimination and Accessibility
Hawarden Regional Healthcare and Clinics comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Hawarden Regional Healthcare and Clinics does not exclude people or treat them less favorably because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.